I’m Sara. I’m a journalist, grammarian, baker, traveler, runner and lover of Halloween and office supply stores. I’ve been to all 50 states, a pile of countries and I’m happiest when I am running, hiking or camping with friends and family.

An editor's Halloween costume

About Me:

  • Favorite Country: Italy

  • Favorite Hike: Bright Angel Trail to/from the base of the Grand Canyon

  • Favorite Camping Spots: Indian Creek (Yellowstone National Park) and Yellowrock Campground (Lolo, MT)

  • Favorite Race: Ragnar Bourbon Chase

  • Favorite Book: “Bird by Bird” by Anne Lamott

  • Favorite Things to Edit: board game components and interesting product reviews

About My Writing and Editing Experience:

My writing and editing career began in middle school, working on the newspaper and yearbook, and continued during high school and then in college as I was earning my journalism degree. Fast forward, and now I have more than 20 years’ experience and professional training in editing, proofreading and writing for news publications, websites and other companies.

I hold a journalism degree from the University of Maryland (Go TERPS!) and a publications and design certification from George Washington University. I’ve attended the leadership academy at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies and was a Dow Jones News Fund intern.

Highlights From 2024:

My Values and Approach:

I value doing good work that achieves its goal. I bring organization, sincerity, kindness and curiosity to each project — and I like to give pep talks throughout the process. Integrity and well-being co-exist in my work and in other aspects of life.

I look forward to bringing this philosophy and my expertise to your writing or editing projects!